1D: you can keep a steady line; with a velocity in the x=1
2D: you can keep a stationary formations: square, circle … or a wavy path; the velocity becomes a combination of xy
3D: to move those rotating 2D formations forward you need a 3th dimension (xy-z). Because if you move a rotating formation forward in 2D, every particle starts to have a different velocity, only by adding an extra dimension is it possible to move them together forward in a particular direction, and keep their formation rotation going.
4D: to move those round or forward moving formations, one needs again an extra dimension; xyza
This blog is to present the concept of a Dynamic Foam wherein knots (Torus, Trefoil and fig. 8) can self emerge and interact.
My goal is to develop a simulator that executes this model.
It all started with the idea of a fig. 8-knot propelling through Space: movie (40Mb)