Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Particles in the Aether

The  Michelson–Morley experiment has shown us that particles aren't affected by the Aether, so how can it be that there is an Aether? 

One solution for this problem is that an elementary particle is a string-like vortex/eddy, and it is closed-loop so it can keep its composition. Something like a Torus or a Figure 8 knot. Such an object can keep its relative position thanks the rotation that redirecting the Aether-wind around itself in all cardinal directions, and making it look as if there is no Aether at all.

... similar to the wooden windmill below; the wind makes it spin around and screw forward, but it doesn't push the object away.

This kind of rotating particle is not a passive object, and it can drills its way through the Aether. When a particle is 'attracted' by an area in the medium with a 'cooler' intensity level, than it will cut trough the Aether like a 'Circular Saw' to that lower energy zone. (Note: every particle has an empty core unit (container) that sucks energy/excitement out of the Aether, the more particles there are in one place the less excitement there is, and the lower the temperature is in that area.)

One can compare it to a spinning top that keeps its spot even when blowing hard on it, the moment you give it a push with your finger, or as in the clip below when it hits a wall, it shoots into one direction, and it is not affected by any friction or wind.