Thursday, December 23, 2010

From Chaos to Order

In an environment without the dominant gravitational force, particles have random freedom to displace themselves, tunnels don't collapse under gravity, air-packages don't rise, nothing sinks to the bottom, there are no exponential (x^2) pressure difference the higher you go, or the deeper you are, … and there is no model needed for an expanding, or shrinking universe, not even a big bang, to maintain the conservation of energy model for 'space'. Simply because there is no loss of energy, as there is no loss of space, only structured spaces and random moving particles, it is there where the first life forms are shaped.

The factors in such a medium are:
  • Damping and spring properties of the basic Aether bodies.
  • Linear- and rotational motion.
  • Pressure- and density differences.

These actors generate flows and turbulences, some of the currents will dissolve, while a selected type will maintain their composition or are transformed under pressure (baked), into solid arch-like structures. Many little symmetrical positioned cavities and density  structures will evolve into elementary particles that can move freely through the Aether at high speeds, these building blocks will form new generations of formations, … turning plain chaotic matter into order.

Some groups such as a twisted torus (8) moves in a linear motion, screwing away from its origin while pushing matter down in the opposite direction, others trefoil-knot-shaped currents (-<) rest stationary and generate a positive potential (+) sucking up small particles generating a surrounding current, loose (o)-ring currents can move freely through the Aether, perhaps foam-like structures are formed holding objects from a distance together ... all these basic shapes might lead us to quarks, protons, atoms …  This should give os over time the opportunity to observe particle collisions and interactions from up close, and who knows we might get an impression of what life looks beyond us.