Tuesday, December 28, 2010

From a Single Unit to a Manifestation

As mentioned in the previous post, an Aether would be made up of different sizes of particles. For simulation, in the image above, we take 2 sizes:
A. Small particles that act like Air (dark spots)
B. Groups of smaller A-size particles that are bound together (white spots)

Within the chaotic movement, a particular number of B-size units (particle/body) will start take the lead, due to numeric chance these particles are 'tailed' by other particles that fly in the same direction. While flying through the 'air' a draft mechanism is generated along the tail, strengthening the group. Turbulence will set the limitations to the size of the tail. Multiple B-size unit's with a tail, that fly in the same direction, and with the similar velocity can get entangled and form braids, bundling their energy and forming a stronger structure. Over time s chain-reaction of events has lead to the manifestation of a larger body.

As mentioned in the previous post, leading particles collide all the time with  other B-size particles, but the fist particle in line, will take over the lead and the formation of a structure can continue to the point that a closed circuit, with enough compositional strength to withstand destruction, has taken shape. The size of bodies is dependent on the density of the air and the collision impact with its relatives, this can lead to the setting where a more energetic environment generates more bodies.

The demo above of Artificial Life creatures (critters) might be a good starting point for a simulation method for Aether. Instead of critters that eat food to survive, I 'd like to suggest forward moving particles with a gradual drafting area in the shape of an xmas three that represents the levels of suction, tailing behind the leading particle and acting as an energy reservoir (belly). The Tail could start to take a more bent form depending on the distribution within.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Aether Density

Density is a tricky thing, a jungle can look to a human as something that is hard to pass through, while for an butterfly it is nothing but wide open spaces. The same point of view comes into play when we want to consider the density of Aether.

Imagine that we could zoom-in to the smallest particles observable, than we will notice that even the smallest things are build up out of multiple things and that the space we thought was empty, is full of small particles.

In a jungle, a butterfly can move from one place through an other, by flapping it's wings, pressing-down on air molecules that we can't observe, it more or less walks through the air, and atmospheric-air-density defines what size a butterfly can be and how fast it can fly, there is a perfect balance between the construction of the insect and its environment.

If we want to know what Aether and matter are made of, than we'll have to search for a similar balance. The chaotic movement between the smallest particles will define the pressure/density of the Aether-gas and it will also define the rigidness of the currents within.

Some particles in the Aether, will streamline behind others and form groups. When the leading particle of a linear group collides with a single particle, coming from an other direction, than the 2 colliding particles will move out of the way and the group can continue moving forward, the blast of the collision will cause the first particle to slow down a bit, and the group will become more tight (bonding). Linear groups can curl up and become a unity, paths will appear where particles start to 'slipstream' and form trains. The closer particles are the more significant orientation of rotation is. Parts of the group can work together or against each other, generating harmony or friction. Friction will cause the structure to break apart, harmony will generate solidity.

At the end of this level of formation, solid gear-like structures will emerge, that are made from synchronous rotating units, who have the ability to keep on rolling through the Aether, without being slowed down by the density of the Aether. Only structures that have the same density will be able to stop other structures. At a next level, these units can group in such a way that they generate larger current-streams within the Aether, attracting or repel other bodies, just like propellors.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

From Chaos to Order

In an environment without the dominant gravitational force, particles have random freedom to displace themselves, tunnels don't collapse under gravity, air-packages don't rise, nothing sinks to the bottom, there are no exponential (x^2) pressure difference the higher you go, or the deeper you are, … and there is no model needed for an expanding, or shrinking universe, not even a big bang, to maintain the conservation of energy model for 'space'. Simply because there is no loss of energy, as there is no loss of space, only structured spaces and random moving particles, it is there where the first life forms are shaped.

The factors in such a medium are:
  • Damping and spring properties of the basic Aether bodies.
  • Linear- and rotational motion.
  • Pressure- and density differences.

These actors generate flows and turbulences, some of the currents will dissolve, while a selected type will maintain their composition or are transformed under pressure (baked), into solid arch-like structures. Many little symmetrical positioned cavities and density  structures will evolve into elementary particles that can move freely through the Aether at high speeds, these building blocks will form new generations of formations, … turning plain chaotic matter into order.

Some groups such as a twisted torus (8) moves in a linear motion, screwing away from its origin while pushing matter down in the opposite direction, others trefoil-knot-shaped currents (-<) rest stationary and generate a positive potential (+) sucking up small particles generating a surrounding current, loose (o)-ring currents can move freely through the Aether, perhaps foam-like structures are formed holding objects from a distance together ... all these basic shapes might lead us to quarks, protons, atoms …  This should give os over time the opportunity to observe particle collisions and interactions from up close, and who knows we might get an impression of what life looks beyond us.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


In mathematics, E8 is any of several closely related exceptional simple Lie groups, linear algebraic groups or Lie algebras of dimension 248; the same notation is used for the corresponding root lattice, which has rank 8.
Perhaps it is possible to link the E8 set to a Torus constructed out of multiple spirals that are also build up out of intertwined spirals, within their own dimension. Similar to how a braided Torus is build up out of other braided braids.
During particle collisions, differt bodyparts, with different sizes and different rotational speeds, will spiral into different directions, also because of their relative positions within the composition. They might even reform themselves into more basic (knot) compositions, this gives rise to all the colorful particles we know such as gluons, neutrino's, ...

E8 group geometry solves trivial question: "Which structure should have the tightest lattice of particles, formed by energy exchange between another particles, recursivelly?". And such question has a perfect meaning even from classical physics point of view! Such question has a perfect meaning in theory, describing the most dense structure of inertial particles formed by energy exchange between another particles, which we can ever imagine, i.e. the interior of black hole. source: http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/41373

Caterpillar Movement

A caterpillar moves forward by curling up (contracting) and stretching (expanding). A spiraling torus (O) or an eight (8) that is buildup out of rotating bodies that slipstream behind each other, will generate a similar movement, by compressing and decompressing along the closed trajectory, generating a continuous oscillating current that surrounds the whole formation.

(image source: http://pk-photography.blogspot.com)

A closed looped Caterpillar-like chain of particles forming a figure-8-string of particles, within an ellipsoidal particles gas, spiraling upwards (Top/Front/Side/Perspective-view):

(See topic Spiralling Figure 8 for more about this concept)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


A Torus that generates a sphere-like field around itself, with a suction power (+ potential) attracts smaller bodies and repels larger bodies.

Two bodies with the same size, will either rotate along each other combining some inner current, and attracting each other, or draft behind each other, rotating in the same direction. If surrounding pressure increases, these 2 particles could be pushed to form a formation that generates a new but more stretched sphere-like energy field, these could pile up … a second option is that multiple bodies line up forming a group and merge thanks to combining currents, generating an increased pressure on their own formation. They'll wind up, having a very synchronous motion without 'windage', generating a Torus of a new size with a more powerful suction power, "the power of the whole is bigger than its parts".

By joining multiple Toruses the current flow that normally goes through and around each individual Torus is devised in 2 currents: a streamlined fast flowing inner current, and a new Global current that is perpendicular to the torus. During each step of this evolutionary process the group entity is similar to the single parts that build it up, it is fractelicious.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Electric Current and Lines of Force

Electric current spirals along the conductor, because the protons that make up the nuclei of the atoms have a spiraling motion, when emitting and passing along electrons, these electrons have a spin and that makes'm roll from atom to atom, along the surface of the conductor.

A curled up wire, generates a pressure field within the 'coil', this jams up the flow of electrons. Like a squeezed lemon produces juice, the squeezed electrons produce magnetic particles that flow along the direction of the current and generating Lines of force. Magnetic induction happens when changing pressure. The 8-shaped bodies that have a closed pressure field, flight just straight through everything.

For a Solar body the Torus-current system, that produces magnetic lines of force, can be seen in the Pulsar that remains after a the explosion of a Super Nova.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Synchronous Rotation Motion

Rotation properties in a sea of particles, will produce spiral structures, similarly to how an O-ring, in a sea of particles, will start to produce patterns.

Sphere-like particles within a pressurised environment, can rotate synchronous with each other when they rotate in opposite directions, or in the same direction, when they are behind each other and closely aligned. They need to be in even numbers to keep the flow going. The most basic formation they can form is in a square, made up of 4 particles. If you have one particle that is the driving force (8) than two squared formations can be formed, one on the right and one on the left side. This setting leaves a gap at the bottom and top, where there is are particles that can not fit in, because in-between spacing is to large, and when it wants to join in, a triplet is formed causing friction so the particles (red) bounce loosely in-between without having the chance to attach itself. This is a Basic law out of which vertex spirals are born, because new particle-formations can attach themselves on, or slipstream behind, the exterior particles of the formation (green) while the red ones keeps pushing the stream outwards.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Aether Complexity and Foam

One thing leads to another … if you want to research a universe based in Aether, and where the basic building blocks are: Points (.), Toruses-knots (o),  Lemniscate rings (8) and Trefoil-knots (-<), and where there is basic interaction, than you'll quickly end up with a complex structure of layer upon layer, similar to the Mandelbrot set, where you can zoom-in and discover new structures that interact, forming a network that makes everything tick in it's own relative framework, and you will find out that Aether is like a jungle.

Let's give it a try,  for a structured universe, the points that make up the Aether need to have a starting point that has some potential. The easiest way to create such a potential is a pressed together group of points that creates a gateway or simply put a ring: O. Now let's do a thought-experimentwhat and see what kind of actions a 'hoop' could activate in a sea of points. First of all some points will pass through the 'O', while others cannot, this creates the first pressurised situation and a potential difference, a current will develop going from A -o-> B. By having this potential the 'O' will generate a sphere like current around it's self, with a magnitude that is in relation to the opening, the thickness of the 'hoop', the thickness of the particles and the density of the particles.

If we take in account that the collisions between points are elastic and the 'O' maintains it solid structure than eventually, due to turbulence differences, motion flows patterns will be generated by the particles that are pushed through the 'O' and acceleration. The only possible way these patterns can sustain there motion is when particles slipstream behind each other making infinite close looping. This can only happen when they are in close contact and spin at the same frequency, having the same vertex motion. For this infinite looping motion to happen, there are probably only 3 possible compositions that have the symmetry and the structure to do so without losing energy:
a. Spiraling Torus: (O)
b. Twisted Spiraling Torus: (8) (♢) (oo)
c. Trefoil-knot: (-<)

So let's have a first roundup, a, O-ring in a bath of particles starts to duplicate itself and generate basic knots.

Once these basic formations are produced, we can go to the next level and see how they behave, and what kind of structures this set can produce, alone or by interaction:
  • The Spiraling Torus will do the same as its Originator, having a potential and generate a spherical current around it's core, but due to the fact that it has a spiraling structure, the whole thing will have a rotational spin round it's axis, and has the ability to screw it's way through a medium. Because of it's round shape, it will have the tendency, when moving forward like a ring-cloud to spin clock- or counter clock wise depending on your viewpoint. And due to it's spin, it will also have a vibration frequency like just anything that turns in a medium of point like particles.
  •  The (8), this structure in combination with it's spiraling current, has the property that it will start to screw it's way through the medium in a straight linear way, in a sharp and bold manner, while being in full balance, having the properties of a propellor.
  •  The trefoil-knot, this shape generates an inner-Torus-current that is inverse with the motion of the Propellor rotation of the Spiral. Due to this combination of opposite currents, the whole is stationary in a pool of point particles, having a global spin etc.
Now let's look at interaction: The basic Torus-ring particles have a current running through their middle, if they line up above one another, they cold create a pile, but because of of their spin, the pile will start to bend over after a certain number, 3 things might happen depending on curvature and length:
  1. Toruses form a circle torus or an (8) formation.
  2. The piles bend towards each other and generating a large foam-like structure.
  3. They organize themselves in a horizontal way, generating a flat vertex organization where each member hooks up to the system, and adds it's energy to the whole. A relative giant disk-shaped spiral is formed. These slowly moving disks could collide with one and other, or they could get caught up in the draft of a predecessor and start to form a linear formation, and eventually also start to form new formations such as in case 1-2-3
Lets summarise the structures that we have:
  • Point particle: .
  • Start-off structure: O
  • Spiraling Torus: (o)
  • Spiraling Eight: (8)
  • Spiraling Trefoil knot: (-<)
  • Static Foam
Once we have these basic parts and interactions we can try to see they all start to interact at a more global scale, Like an ocean and an island where at the shores the sea comes in contact with the solid ground of the island. At the shores, two things happen during interaction, waves start to break and foam is generated.

When the sea is more energetic, breaking waves that curl appear, in the same way that would-curls are created when us use a plane to smooth a wooden surface. In a world where there is no gravity, these curls would spin up into the air and keep on rolling like the hot damp of a bowl of soup.

If we look down at the Aether-level of things, where a basic formation such as the (-<) rolls through a sea of point-like-particles, the friction of these objects and it's surrounding particle flow, with it will generate new basic shapes such as the (o)'s, (8)'s and (-<)'s. It is a production area of particles just like when we used a simple 'O' to start of things.  Anyway, only an (8)-knot has the structure to propel straight away from the 'coast line', escaping the setting at a high constant speed.

This shape (8) will also generate a backward gravitational push in the direction of it's origin, all the other particles will start to form foam. At a beach the foam dissolves over time, but at Aether level, the foam maintains it's structure and can grow. In a size and formation that prevents it from collapsing under it's own weight.

This leads us to the situation where we have a (-<) surrounded by a foam and that that connects like a break wave and through which point-like particles roam and where there is friction (8) shaped 'curled up waves' can escape, generating a gravitational force, that also attaches the foam to the (-<), does every particle creates and foamish ecosystem around itself that emits gravity particles (8).

As long the (-<) has it's suction power and a grid around itself that let's mostly everything through like a fishnet, it will keep on attract everything around due to the gravity particles (8), and it will keep on generating a current (+) due to it's global formation. Only another particle that is big enough to temper the suction can neutralize the (-<) This brings us to the combination of (o) and (-<). The (8) has a to high linear speed to be caught only in combination with an (O) will the (-<) have enough swing power to add it to the structure.

When the (-<) has cached an (o) it will hover around and throughout the (-<) keeping the whole thing in balance, just like a dance-couple where the lead swing it's partner around, while moving around. An second option is that the (-<) might catch as well an other (-<) and start forming groups, with multiple (o)'s and these might than again start to interact with other groups creating new structures.

A dancing (-<) and (o) combination will cause in the point-particle sea and foam a wave frequency, but if the motion is to strong, breaking waves could occur and a relative large (8) might break away, with a relative high constant speed, once the excessive (8) is emitted, the couple will have again a stable flow. The (8) that shoot's away will rip through the foam like a knife through butter causing it to propagate waves, but the foam will reform instantaneously.

When there is very little vibration in the grid, single ((o-<)) couples could get real close and start to become tightly aligned. To do so each couple as to loose most of its motion/vibration and when this happens spiral becomes minimal and the inner-Torus current could fade away, the bigger sphere-like property will disappears and the ((o-<)) couples can be stacked. Thanks to the tripod stacking capabilities (>=<) These piles of (o-<)'s can generate one giant current with a larger foam made out of smaller foam, letting the whole area within it's roam rotate. Similar surrounding structures with the same structure solidity and thus range, will attach them selves and make one giant plate (galaxy). These plates can move towards other similar structures or that draft behind others forming a giant foam-like structure called the Universe.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Vortex & Knot Theory

I mentioned in a previous post (History : Old Crackpots and Modern Mathematicians) that during James Maxwell's time (1831-1879) Vortex-theories such as by Sir William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) were popular and widely accepted. Vortex theory was combined by the mathematical Knot Theory.

"In 1867 after observing Scottish physicist Peter Tait's experiments involving smoke rings, Thomson came to the idea that atoms were knots of swirling vortices in the æther. Chemical elements would thus correspond to knots and links. Tait's experiments were inspired by a paper of Helmholtz's on vortex-rings in incompressible fluids. Thomson and Tait believed that an understanding and classification of all possible knots would explain why atoms absorb and emit light at only the discrete wavelengths that they do. " (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_knot_theory)

Knot & Vortex theories were aligned with Aether theories, and the difficulty was how to add values to calculations when you don't know what it is and how it behaves, you need to be able to measure it. Multiple Aether theories existed but not one was applicable for all the different laws of nature, and opposition would arise.

In 1887 a first blow came when the Michelson–Morley experiment failed to provide any measurements of Aether wind. A second blow came in 1900 when Max Planck postulated, that electromagnetic energy could be emitted only in quantized form, Einstein took a look at this fact, and turned light that was originally thought of as only a wave, into a particle (photon) that could move through a vacuum. A final blow came in 1905 when Einstein (again), published his papers on Special Relativity, using light as a constant, and postulating that space can change. The unique fact of this way of looking at things is that he could measure all of the physically observable consequences of Lorentz ether theory (the most advanced Aether theory of that time), without the need to postulate an unobservable entity (Aether). This revolutionized science because it made things easy and modern. As of then Aether was seen as a pagan thing and defenders were boohooed, but perhaps this revolution might have thrown out the baby with the bathwater, being Vortex & Knot Theory, and of course Aether itself.

Edit: The scientific community has drifted away from the idea of a medium (aether), and considered it wrong, but when looking at the history of physics you might want to think again. Albert Einstein writes in the end of his book - Ãœber die spezielle und die allgemeine Relativitätstheorie (link) -  that his theory does not contradict the theory of an Aether at rest:

"Betreffend den Versuch von Michelson und Morley zeigte H. A. Lorentz, daß dessen Ergebnis wenigstens nicht im Widerspruch sei mit der Theorie des ruhenden Äthers."

While some like to focus on the 'Michelson-Morley experiment':

"Its results are generally considered to be the first strong evidence against the theory of a luminiferous aether and in favor of special relativity (SR). The most immediate effect at the time was to put an end to Lord Kelvin's Vortex theory, which said that atoms were vortices in the aether." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelson–Morley_experiment)

The difference in the 2 statements is; in the first Einstein focusses on the fact that SR is not against Aether, while the second focusses on the fact that SR is against Aether. The difference is Aether at rest vs. luminiferous Aether.


At the center of my knot-model there is a Trefoil-knot (Proton) with 3 Loops (Quarks), connected via a string to the Torus (Electron), all rotating and moving through a Dynamic Foam (SpaceTime).

Large interconnected-structures form heavier Atoms with Shells.

A figure 8 Knot (Photon) is like a helicopter, 
shooting from Torus (Electron) to Torus (Electron):  O = OO => O

Check the top-view where the rotating ((8)) is like a torpedo with propellor shooting forward, or at side-view where it is like a stingray steadily swimming forward.

In essence this idea of having knots emerge within a medium is at the opposite side of the Millennium Run. They zoom-out towards the large networks, while I'm zooming into the foam-ish Aether wherein small self-regulating networks and knots emerge.

Electron - Toroidal

As always you are never alone, recently I've been discovering similar ideas to mine, here is a paper by J.G. Williamson and M.B van der Mark: Is the electron a photon with toroidal topology? 

"The primary reason that the electron is considered to be elementary is that experimentally it appears to be point-like and hence structureless. At the same time we are confronted with the fact that it has a rich set of properties which are fundamental to its nature. It has an elementary charge, a half-integral spin, a definite mass, a well de ned dipole moment, an anomalous spin factor g-2 and of course a wave-particle nature. It seems inappropriate to think about such things as the elementary charge as a separate building block from the elementary particle which carries it. A deeper understanding requires a unification of the aspects discussed above in terms of an underlying principle." (pdf)

Spiraling closed infinite loops: the (8) and a double loop trivial knot that also resembles to a trefoil-knot and its Torus

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Soliton - Solenoid

Play of words part II, in mathematics and physics, a soliton is a self-reinforcing solitary wave (a wave packet or pulse) that maintains its shape while it travels at constant speed. If you see the trefoil knot as a particle structure trough wich this pulse propagtes ... A solenoid is a bunch of coils, if you look at the trefoil knot it is a structure made up out of 3 coils. If in a solenoid a current is generated, an electromagnetic field is generated, and there we have our Torus-current in a toroidal coil, generating a charge (+).

Toroidal coil with multiple loops, generating a current.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Torpedo - Electric ray - Ray of light

Play of words, I was imagining that a spinning (8) moving through a medium, is like a launched torpedo that shoots through water at a constant speed. This made me look up 'torpedo' at wikipedia and it turns out that the word torpedo comes etymologically,  from a genus of electric rays in the order Torpediniformes (link). So a ray of light and ...

... this made me think of the animation of the motion of a rotating (8) posted at topic From a Soliton to an (8)-ball, it looks a bit like a ray swimming due to its quadrilateral shape : )

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Expanding Gravity Field vs Redshift

Redshift would define that stars are moving away from us, this freaks me out. Why doesn't anyone say it is the gravity field of our solar system that is expanding over time, and that is what stretches the incommoning lightwaves, causing the redshift effect. A gravity field made up out of emitted gravity particles (8), that move at a constant speed, would expand exponential (x^2) because it originates from a round object (sun), these particles that move away from us cause the Doppler effect. The light shifts happens due to solar gravitation, in the same way that Einstein predicted that starlight is bent by the sun (ref.).

In physics (especially astrophysics), redshift happens when light seen coming from an object is proportionally shifted to appear more red. Here, the term "redder" refers to what happens when visible light is shifted toward the red end of the visible spectrum. More generally, where an observer detects electromagnetic radiation outside the visible spectrum, "redder" amounts to a technical shorthand for "increase in electromagnetic wavelength" — which also implies lower frequency and photon energy in accord with, respectively, the wave and quantum theories of light.
Redshifts are attributable to the Doppler effect, familiar in the changes in the apparent pitches of sirens and frequency of the sound waves emitted by speeding vehicles; an observed redshift due to the Doppler effect occurs whenever a light source moves away from an observer.

I have highlighted the part of the Doppler effect, because a similar 'shift' would happen if you make a sound in the direction of a fan, the harder the fan blows towards the origin of the sound, the further away the speaker appears to be. In a similar way; if the gravity field of our solar system expands over time, than the further away other galaxies seem to be.

On the moon, a combination of gravity and super low atmospheric pressure/density that makes astronouts light on their feet. In the same way an expanding gravity field creates a more dense heliosphere, and like someone posted on a forum (ref.):
Everything we measure is governed by the speed of light...Its a mistake to make that a constant ... It works in envoronment..but the speed of light is constant in a vaccuum....As it passes through any mass it will slow. If it is very far away then it will pass through a lot of mass. hence the time it takes to reach us ... This I think but cannot prove "yet" will effect the Dopler effect ... I can prove however that the further any spectrum of light has to travel then the more it will be slowed by mass.

Also have a look at, Pioneer Anomaly :
The Pioneer anomaly or Pioneer effect is the observed deviation from predicted trajectories and velocities of various unmanned spacecraft visiting the outer solar system, most notably Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11. Both Pioneer spacecraft are escaping from the solar system, and are slowing down under the influence of the Sun's gravity. Upon very close examination, however, they are slowing down slightly more than expected. The effect can be modeled as a slight additional acceleration towards the Sun. The anomaly has no universally accepted explanation. The explanation may be mundane, such as measurement error, thrust from gas leakage or uneven radiation of heat. However, it is also possible that current physical theory does not correctly explain the behaviour of the craft relative to the sun. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_anomaly)

As mentioned in the article, there are multiple possible explanations, also some in correlation with gravity, and they could also be applicable to cause Redshift, if you take in account that the structure of our solar system is expanding.

A thought experiment: Imagine yourself having a pair of glasses that are constantly collecting dust, and every morning when you put on your glasses, you say: "Hey, the world is getting darker!". Well it might be the same for those who like to think that the stars are moving away from us.


I 've been wondering how a torus-propellor could generate a Ring-shaped orbital, without being stretched out, this led me to think of 3 possible scenario's:
  1. A sphere that is squeezed down by the upper- and lower proton spheres. It would leave a ring at the outer side were the electron can flow. A membrane type of connection between the ring and the central driving force (torus) would remain.
  2. A torus that is perpendicular possitioned out of the center and who's beam/current is curved around the center of mass.
  3. A torus that keeps it spherish current but that is pushed to the outside and that spins around the center of gravity.
Perhaps all 3 options are possible, perhaps none, anyway I still got a lot of learn about the proton and electron interactions in an atom. btw check out James Maxwell's paper on the nature of Saturn's rings, and the recent discovery of a giant ring around the planet.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Strong Force - Strong Interaction

In particle physics, the strong interaction (Strong Force) is one of the four fundamental interactions of nature, the others being electromagnetism, the weak interaction and gravitation. It is a non-contact force. At atomic scale, it is about 100 times stronger than electromagnetism, which in turn is orders of magnitude stronger than the weak force and gravitation.
The strong interaction is observable in two areas: On the larger scale, it is the force that binds protons and neutrons together to form the nucleus of an atom. On the smaller scale, it is also the force that holds quarks and gluons together to form the proton, the neutron and other particles. (source: wiki)

During particle collisions it is hard to find out if protons and neutrons would all be located in a center nucleus or in a structured disperse setting, as the center of mass for both settings is ... in the middle.

Robinson Congruences and Twistors

On the Origins of Twistor Theory by Roger Penrose

Friday, December 3, 2010

Atom Nucleus

The Trefoil-knot with a Torus-current and turbine suction, has a 3-blades propeller shape, that generates when moving through the medium, a Clock-Wise or Counter-Clock-Wise rotation. This cyclic motion gives 'Spin' to the unit: Up (A.) or Down (B.). Because of this 'Spin' the protons and their electron-flow, orientate themselves in such a way that they can roll together in compositions of even numbers, and/or aligned towards each other.

Coaxial contra-rotating propellers repel each other in the center when they 're faced with their north-poles towards each other,  at the same time the friction between these points is the highest, this fast flow  generates a "Bernoulli's Principle" effect that attracts the 2 entities toward each other, and keeps them in place. The more parts that make up the stack, the more they are squeezed together.

This would also mean that the protons move along with the electrons and shift places. Different Torus-flows that rotate in the same direction might join up to form one. Due to pressure differences each Torus of the series is stretched more than it's predecessor, generating different curved currents, and setting up a shell-formation. Some Trefoils/Toruses might be sucked in closely, loosing it's Torus current, and become neutralised -> Neutron.

Here is a link to an overview of the Grand Orbital Table

A contra-rotating propeller will have no rotational air flow, pushing a maximum amount of air uniformly through the propeller disk, resulting in high performance and low induced energy loss. It also serves to counter the asymmetrical torque effect of a conventional propeller. (wiki link)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Circulation, Stabilisation and Polarisation

The torus-current (blue) generated within the trefoil knot (gray) is opposite to the outside of the trefoil knot's rotation, these opposite rotations, clockwise and counter clockwise (white arrows) stabilise the whole current system. In the center an extra vertical, upwards current (red) is generated because the rotation/flow of the torus and the trefoil knot are at that place the same. This gives rise to an sphere that has a polarised, north -> south, outer flow with a suction power (+). This way an atom would be like a fountain with a B-side, where one side spray's out the parts that make up an electron, and a fip-side that sucks 'm back up at the other site.