Monday, January 24, 2011

Black Hole - Solar Body - Supernova

In the Birth of a Solar System post I alluded that a star born in an interstellar clouds of dust and gas, could be made out of liquid Super Fluid and BEC instead of Plasma, that eventually would ignite as the surrounding dust disappears.  As long as this giant liquid bubble doesn't start 'burning' it is a single black object, maybe this black object may be related to the Black holes that we can observe in our telescopes. I find this article interesting which refers to a Black Hole within a cloud of dust as a generator of stars:

It was speculated that the quasar's host galaxy was hidden behind large amounts of dust, and so the astronomers used a mid-infrared instrument on ESO's Very Large Telescope for the observations. At such wavelengths, dust clouds shine very brightly, and are readily detected. "Observing at these wavelengths would allow us to trace dust that might hide the host galaxy," says Knud Jahnke, who led the observations performed at the VLT. "However, we did not find any. Instead we discovered that an apparently unrelated galaxy in the quasar's immediate neighborhood is producing stars at a frantic rate."

These observations have provided a surprising new take on the system. While no trace of stars is revealed around the black hole, its companion galaxy is extremely rich in bright and very young stars. It is forming stars at a rate equivalent to about 350 Suns per year, one hundred times more than rates for typical galaxies in the local Universe. Source:

In a basic Solar Structure, the liquid core, with a temperature of zero degrees Kelvin, would vaporize at a constant rate. The heated particles that are set free, form a froth structure that surrounds the complete sphere, like to the foam on a cappuccino. It is also transition area like the plasma membrane of a cell in biology, ll over the surface of this membrane there is a circulation process going on between the exterior and the interior part of the solar body. Sometimes the generated vacuum on the inside sucks 'air' in from the outside through larger gaps than the normal pores, and gravitational forces prevent the bubbles from moving away in bigger chunks than small particle bodies. 

It is said that a Supernova is caused by gravitational collapse. But if I may be bold, what if it is caused by an in-flying object that acts like a pin pricking a balloon, one that reaches the liquid core disturbing the processing balance, and ripping apart the membrane. Wouldn't it cause the protected liquid Super Fluid bubble to explode?

I've added a clip and a few pictures of pin-pricked balloons, filled with water and gas, the results are very similar to that of a Supernova.

An interesting resemblance is that of the Sun and a Soap Bubble, their surface (film) seem to have similar liquid behavior: generating 'eddies' and twirly turbulences.

Images: Sun - Soap Bubble