Either stardust is all there is and energy flows through it, or everything is formed out of bundles of stardust kept together by energy.
Gravity could be a field of emitted Stardust Particles or energy bundles that form concentrated vortices at regular distances. These turbulence spots, perhaps (8) balls, generate a downward spiral rotation that "screw" elements down to the ground, opposite to their beaming away direction.
A field of these vortices containing-rays, is build up out of a maze with an even number, to avoid contrasting rotation. For example a 6-cornered maze like a beehive, or squares otherwise to generate flow and avoid friction. Non-Emitted loose elements are pulled to the ground.
The emitted rays of stardust particles are like wires of a piece of cloth (see image below of silk warping"), who create turbulence knots at regular distances depending on the speed and the frequency they are emitted. They form a maze of gravity fields. The places where knots from different directional fields interlink, proton-like triskel vorticies of energy fields can be joined together, attracting stardust, to form electrons that spiral around the generated core.
Stardust-Turbulences could be the origin of Atoms:
These rays setup a framework of stardust (dark-matter) wherein all energy flows, and is passed along.