Thursday, October 1, 2020

M. C. Escher's Hands Drawing Hands / Weinstein's Geometric Unity / Spinors

During this talk on his theory of Geometric Unity (TOE) with Lex Fridman, Eric Weinstein brings up M. C. Escher's drawing 'Drawing Hands' as the concept/problem of the origin of everything ...


... well a Dynamic Foam solves this.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Vortex Flow Control Devise


Wait for it.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Sperm Spinners / Photons

There are new findings showing that sperm doesn't swim forward, but rather spins forward like a corkscrew.

This is similar to my hypothesis of how Photons are fig. 8 knots that screw their way through Space, like a propellor:

Saturday, August 8, 2020

'Walking droplets’ that act like QM / Unification Trefoil Knot

I recently received two great leads from Shiva Meucci a fellow enthusiast of Knots in an Aether,  who has also written a paper on History of the NeoClassical Interpretation of Quantum and Relativistic Physics.


The first one is a must see presentation by John W. Bush of MIT, proposing a novel Trajectory-Based Description of Quantum-Dynamics, inspired by the Hydro-Dynamics of Walking Droplets:

Replace his 'Walking Droplets' with spiralling Torus Knots et voilà we have self-propelling/walking 'particles' (QM) ...

... that also curve space thanks to the compression at their centers (Gravity),

... and we get Unification.


The second one is a paper by Dr. Mrittunjoy Guha Majumdar from the University of Cambridge on:

"Unification of Gauge Forces and Gravity using Tangled Vortex Knots"

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Friday, July 10, 2020

Vortex Rings / 3D Landau-Ginzburg

(Use Chrome to activate Shaders)

Thursday, July 9, 2020

3D Landau Ginzburg / Staring into the Abyss

One step closer.

by MiMo
(Use Chrome to activate Shaders)



So this is what the internal dynamics of the Dynamic Foam kind looks like. 
Pulsating bubbles driven by the fluid in the edges:

 There is a model that seems to resemble this (by MiMo):

Let's assume that the number of bubbles tends to infinity and and the state of the foam can be approximated by average pressure and flow intensity(with no direction, since the edges have arbitrary directions in average)
So we have scalar fields P(x,y,z,t) and I(x,y,z,t)
If we assume that the dynamic interaction between P and I resembles a wave (pressure induces flow -> flow induces pressure) and are out of phase by 90 degrees(sin / cos) we can describe the foam state like a complex field Psi
Psi(x,y,z,t) = a*P(x,y,z,t) + imaginary_unit*b*I(x,y,z,t). a and b are some arbitrary constants that define how strong pressure induces flow and flow pressure;  
The simplest equation for a wave like that is the Schrodinger Equation
imaginary_unit *speed_of_change_of_Psi = - (average_Psi_around_this_point - Psi)/surface_of_unit_sphere + some_function_of_Psi;
For a special function of Psi, that basically defines how pressure interacts with the flow in this current bubble, we can get quantized vortices, the smallest stable of which are exactly torus vortices(!)
Wyatt has already made a simulation of that equation in 2d and 3d.
The last thing left to do is just to rewrite the equation from average bubble flow and average bubble pressure for each bubble. And that's basically it. Its not that hard, but there may be some instabilities related to the fact that the foam is not completely uniform(as in the assumption of the averaged out foam from above).


L-G uses a ‘probe field’ as a trick to get these vortices:

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Foam with Vortex Pairs in 2D / Wave-Particle Duality

This new simulator by Michael Moroz comes close ...
(Use Chrome to activate Shaders)

Thursday, June 18, 2020

The king of Staten Island

Check out this scene of The King of Staten Island:

That's what this project is about, puffs!

'The modern study of knots grew out an attempt by three 19th-century Scottish physicists to apply knot theory to fundamental questions about the universe’ 

Everything comes back in style ^_^

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Hook Up (Q&A) - Dirac Equation

"The way spin things hook up to each other... if there were a macroscopic model that corresponded to the matrices of the Dirac equation that would be cool." (By Dubs)


Monday, May 25, 2020

Big Bang: Exploding Soup vs Cracking Solid

The general idea of the beginning of the Big Bang is a fast inflation model, which is a kind of hot soup of energy/matter that explodes, expands and wherein 'magically' forces appear and particles start to form.

That is a fine and dandy but let's philosophise a bit deeper into the matter, and look at what the options and necessities are of that first stage/state:

Starting with a red hot blob of energy, this is where we already have our first acting force that should bound the blob together preventing it from spreading out (exploding).

The second thing we need to look at is the expansion for which we need space. Without space to move into there is no expansion possible, think of a sliding puzzle.

So on the other hand we could also say that no acting force is needed because there was in the beginning no space to move into.

Chicken or the egg?


One thing in nature that resembles this situation is the breaking of tempered glass.

In the clip above it was the hand of a Goddess that ignited the effect, but there are other possibilities such as small defaults in the structure or heat, as explained in this clip:

The same goes for how Chalk cracks:

An other example is the dried out soil of a riverbed where heat evaporates the water and bakes the soil, breaking bonds and cracks appears.

An inverse example is the expansion of bread, like in a croissant (crescent: growing, increasing, developing) and the formation of a Voronoi pattern structure.

TL;DR imo it is more logic that the beginning of the BB was just the appearance of cracks / foam-structure (Voronoi) in an existing tight substance; instead of matter 'loosely flying around', like in typical explosions, and starting to bond. 

Seen from this perspective the formation of elementary particles is a mere self-organisational process of the volumes (bubbles), where knotted rhythmic pathways appear, a dynamic network, and out of which all the forces can self-emerge based on basic fluid-dynamic rules.

This dynamic foam (Voronoi) moves somewhat like Worley noise,

but regulated by currents that run through the edges that make the volumes contract or expand by heating them up or cooling them down.

As a result of these self-organising currents, closed circuit loops can emerge, and rhythmic volumetric patterns can popup within the foam.

These rhythmic fluctuations can align and form a dynamic string/wave that fold on itself and turn into a knot: Spiralling Torus.

A Spiralling Torus can be seen as an Elementary-particle acting on 'the next level'.

Here it generates the Four Fundamental Forces of Nature:

The global propeller-motion of the particle generates Spin, and produces vortex-like repulsion and suction, ...

...  the internal propeller-motion of the ring, that produces a current through the centre, also produces repulsion and attraction, together they give rise the Strong and Weak forces (I, II). The linear trust gives it the polar Magnetic force (III).

(S) in =(O)=> out (N)

While spiralling forward a Torus compresses the cells of the dynamic foam and generates a Gravitational force (IV). The more Toruses in one area the stronger the compression of Space.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Shadertoy / Dynamic Voronoi Mesh

Since I have been looking (again) at Reaction-Diffusion and Grid simulations, I was pointed to the community with its incredible WebGL simulations.

The first simulation on the ShaderToy platform that really struck me was this 'Cool Accident' sim by the CS-artist Wyatt, which has the 'dynamic foam' vibe that I have in mind. (But with no currents between the bubbles.)

If you aren't familiar with Shadertoy, you should definitely check them out. You can run them yourself in your browser, best in Google's Chrome and you need to activate WebGL.

An other amazing computer-scientist on the Shadertoy platform is Michael Moroz who made this dynamic 'Pilot Wave System' Voronoi simulation, that comes close to my Dynamic Foam.

I reached out to them and asked to add a Half-Edge structure to his sim, that distributes the currents between the cells, transporting energy; so the dynamics of pressure going from left to right, that you see in the animated gif and which are done manually, would all happen automatically.

Note, Half-Edges are way to add graphs to the edges of a Mesh.

Now Michael has made some additions to his simulations, that are a big leap forward!

Based on Wyatt Flanders' GLS shader research
(Use Chrome to activate Shaders)


Respecting the ’shape index’ would make the foam rigid and structured when the cells jam:

Dry Foam

The Dynamic Foam needs to be a ‘dry-foam' rather than a ‘wet-foam'. Tightly packed is key, otherwise we won’t get a self-organising flow circuit. There would be too much leeway. So thin edges and enough pressure from the volumes

Flow Switch

Depending on the angles flow can easily be split up ...

… or be blocked when the corners are too sharp for a ‘fluent’ passage.

A bit like this example of an aortic valve in a pig's heart that opens and shuts depending on the angles:


Continuous flow.

When the angle reaches 90°'s the flow is blocked and pressure drops at the center.

The flow stops, inverses and moves in the opposite direction.

Think of the Bernoulli Principle where fast flow generates lower pressure and suction.  When the angle of the pipes are larger than 90° then the air would be blown directly into the tank.

Changes in the dynamic foam will happen percentage wise. Smaller cooler bubbles have less intense surrounding flows. Relatively the interaction stay the same.


For the intensity of the currents you could think of siphoning where flow can move uphill, thanks to the pressure differences further down the line.

Or how flow can close a valve, something that isn’t possible with heat-transfer.

All in all it might like the crazy M.C. Escher’s waterfall design : )