Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Particle Simulators in Java Script

Two particle simulators for in your browser, made with Pete Baron:

A. Deflection-Angle Presets:
(Click-drag the area to centre the spiral)

(Note, preferable to use Google Chrome) 

B. With Attraction & Repulsion Forces:

This forces are similar to those of the Lenard-Jones and Morse Potential.

Box Particle Simulator In Unity

Download here the file to run the GasSimulator in Unity:
Developed with Joshua Pearce
Note: You'll need to download Unity to run the editing interface:
Version 4.6.4 was used, All you need is the free license.

To launch the program: Open Project go to tab Project > Scenes > Scene1 (main) > (Click) Open
Press Play at the top:

You can place particles by clicking in the area, or click-drag to give them a direction, or use the R-key to spawn a group of random particles. (Spacebar is for pause and up/down keys for speed)

• Select Hierarchy: Sim
(Note, the tap 'Clear on Play' may have to be selected at Console to activate this)
Go to Inspector :
File_name to give your simulation a name.
You can record a simulation by using Shift-S to start saving the stream. Shift-L will load a saved stream in correspondence to the File_name.
File_framecount shows the number of frames being recorded.
File_framepos the rate of the loaded stream (Shft-L).
(Note, to have it run/record a simulation in the background while using other programs you'll have to go to: Edit -> project settings -> player, then check "run in background" in the inspector window.)
Time Hertz gives the Iteration rate for how precise the collision detection is.
Cfg_Spawn Count let's use the number of particles you randomly spaw by using the R-key.
Cfg_Trail Size to set the tail of the particles.

• Select tab Hierarchy: Sim > Area1
Go to Inspector for adjusting the size of the Area and Boundary reaction.
Once the simulation is running you can check here the the amount of Particles > Size

• Select tab Hierarchy: Types > Type1
Go to Inspector for creating particles:
- Rotation-axis for how they pivot when colliding.
- Cfg_Mirror All Pieces to mirror the boxes -=I=-
- Pieces-Size for the number of boxes out of which a particle is made.
- For each box it is possible to define a Group Number
With the next options it is possible to define how it interacts with other Groups:
No collision / No reaction / Partial reaction (+value)
- Color each box.
- Width * Height of the box.
- Reaction_mul_head & Reaction mul_tail sets the lerp values.
- Reaction_ratelimit sets the deflection speed.
- Reaction_deflection_d sets the angle of deflection when made contact.
- Reaction_displacement gives a jump distance away from the collision point.

-Constant_speed: All the way at the bottom to set the speed. 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Box Simulator

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Reaction Diffusion Mutually - Catalytic Pinwheels

A variant of Tim Hutton's Mutually-Catalytic Spots system, in which small spots (highlighted in red) follow the contours of large spots, creating "pinwheels". Small spots in the interior of large spots travel clockwise, while small spots on the exterior travel counter-clockwise.

Two coupled Gray-Scott systems. The large spots can only replicate when full of small red spots. Likewise the red spots can only grow inside the large spots - outside of the large spots they die out. The large spots usually inherit their small spots when they replicate - those that don't will no longer replicate. In the starting pattern only the central spot is seeded with small spots. The other two spots don't replicate at all.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Da Vinci's Tree of Life - Brain

'Tree of Life' with knots by Leonardo Da Vinci in the Sala delle Asse in Milan.

Similar to arabesque art: "The very term arabesque is a rather diffuse one, sometimes used broadly to denote almost any style of geometric ornamentation prevalent in Islamic nations, but here I will take it as referring more specifically to stylised vegetal decoration ‘in which plants and leaves grow according to the laws of geometry rather than nature,’ forming ‘interlaced straps, zizags, spirals, scrolls and knots’ which tend to fall into complicated polygonal shapes, in turn forming separate frames for other patterns inside them. Use of this type of decoration, which apparently originated in 10th-Century Baghdad, became widespread throughout the Islamic world in the following centuries." -


Related to Knot theory: “In topology, knot theory is the study of mathematical knots. While inspired by knots which appear in daily life in shoelaces and rope, a mathematician's knot differs in that the ends are joined together so that it cannot be undone.” -


But probably an homage to the astonishing Albrecht Dürer, a German painter, mathematician, and theorist who was a friend of Leonardo.


Though it might also have been a subliminal expression of the knots, wires and connections in his brain ; p